The Angels’ Forum (TAF for short) is one of the most respected early stage investment group in Silicon Valley. For 20 years, it deployed >$75M to help hundreds of entrepreneurs grow healthy, thriving businesses, many of which have had successful exits via IPO or M&A.
Our mailing address is:
The Angels’ Forum
PO Box 6890
Redwood City CA 94063

Carol Sands Langensand | Founder & Managing Partner
Carol Sands is the Founder & Managing Partner of The Angels’ Forum and The Halo Fund. She has over 20 years of experience in early stage investment and teaches angel investing and board governance at Stanford University. She is interested in investing in capital efficient, fast growing companies, across technology and life sciences.

Leif Langensand | CFO
Leif Langensand is the Chief Financial Officer of The Angels Forum and The Halo Fund. His investment interest is primarily in life sciences, financial services, and cleantech. In addition to investing, he enjoys working with portfolio companies as an advisor or board member, focusing on finance, strategy, and profit improvement.